Nutritional Medicine

HEAL YOURSELF – Body and Mind

Heal your BODY from Disease and Pain

HEAL YOUR BODY. Whether you have a diagnosed chronic disease or just a lot of irritating symptoms that impact on your quality of life – take action now and know that there is so much you can do to HEAL YOURSELF.





STRESS – Poor work/relaxation ratio, poor sleep quality, high work stress, money worries, personal stress, relationships, caring for elderly/sick relatives, Bereavement, Divorce, conflict……….

TOXINS – in food, air, water, personal care products, cleaning products, smoke, air fresheners, insecticides, plastics (like BPA, isocyanates in polyurethanes and foams), Heavy metals, Formaldehyde, fire retardants just to name a few.

INFLAMMATION – chronic inflammation such as IBS, Colitis, Joint pain, skin problems, infections, indigestion, inflammation of blood vessels, nerves, organs.

INADEQUATE DIET – with not enough nutrients to facilitate a normal immune system, detoxification and healing.

MEDICATIONS – Prescription drugs given longterm to treat many of the above but that have side effects that can add to the disease process. NSAID’S (anti-inflammatory drugs), Antibiotics, Antacids (from indigestion medicine to Proton pump inhibitors like Omeprazole and Lansoprazole), Diurectics, Blood pressure medications, and Statins.

TAKE ACTION and realise that FOOD is your first and best medicine.

  • DIET – follow the guidelines in this blog. Start with a CLEANSE for at least 2 weeks and then add in nuts, eggs and  some starches according to your own reactions. The goal is to find the most nutritionally high, personal diet that works best for you. Don’t concentrate on what you are leaving out but on improving the level of nutrition while removing triggers of inflammation.
  • INFLAMMATION – HEAL YOUR GUT. This is the most important thing you need to do, even if you don’t have gut or digestive tract symptoms this is the place where you have to improve function and start to heal your immune system. Include plenty of healing anti-inflammatory foods and oils that contain Omega-9 fatty acids (Olive Oil, Canola, grape-seed oil and sunflower oils, many nuts and seeds, avocados, poultry)and Omega-3 fatty acids (flaxseed, Canola, walnuts, and fatty fish such as Herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna and trout).
  • As digestive problems are the most common that impact your life and lead to chronic disease and long-term drug use I highly recommend you read how to take control of your symptoms from this article by Dr. Chris Kresser.
  • images (1)olive oil
  •  GET RID OF ANY HIDDEN INFECTIONS – there are plenty of natural anti-microbial products out there  and these are some that can counteract bacteria, viruses and yeasts. Tea tree oil, Olive leaf, Oregano, cinnamon oil, garlic, Black Walnut, Cloves, Barberry Root (Berberis), Oregon Grape root, Goldenseal, Wormwood, grapefruit seed extract, Probiotics, lime juice and honey.
  • REDUCE TOXIC LOAD / Exposure – from chemicals, smoke, insecticides, toiletries, make up, cleaning products, air fresheners and plastics.
  • TAKE SUPPLEMENTS – to ensure that the body has everything it needs to heal. Vitamin A and Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, Probiotics (especially Saccharomyces Boulardii, L-Glutamine, Omega 3 (EPA and DHA fatty acids) and Omega 9 oils. Depending on the severity of your illness you may also need extra help with detoxification with supplements like Organic sulphur(MSM), Alpha Lipoic Acid, N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) that help the production of Glutathione, Chlorella and Milk Thistle. If digestion is poor – Digestive enzymes.
  • CORRECT ANY HORMONAL IMBALANCES – specific to symptoms – Thyroid, Adrenals, Thymus and Pancreas.
  • STRESS – last but not least make sure you get to relax at some point every day, try to manage stress, guilt, negative feelings and move towards contentment and happiness in whatever way you can.

These are general recommendations but if you are taking other medications, have bleeding from your digestive tract, are pregnant or breastfeeding you should get advice from your Pharmacist or Doctor.

I use Bodykind for nearly all my supplements as they stock a large range of good quality quality supplements with frequent special offers. Click below

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2 thoughts on “HEAL YOURSELF – Body and Mind

  1. This is such useful information and advice, it has certainly started me on the right road. However don’t be impatient, it may take a while but it is all good advice! The stress part is also essential xxx

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