• Autoimmune diseases/ Exclusion diet/ Food intolerance/ Glutamine/ Health/ Immune System/ Immune system - healing/ Inflammation/ Ketogenic diet/ Leaky Gut/ Mineral Depletion/ Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity/ Nutrition and Cancer/ Nutritional Medicine/ Paleo Diet/ Probiotics/ Sizzling Minerals/ Sugar Detox/ Wheat and Dairy Intolerance

    The Healing Diet – Special Offer!

    Turn Your Health Around book

    New Year and what we all want is to get and stay healthy in 2018!

    So a Special offer for you of 50% the price of my guide so that you can Turn Your Health Around.

    Years of research and personal experiments have led to this approach to a Healing Diet. Find your ideal weight, gain health, energy and vitality – naturally. Make changes that will change your health and keep you healthy

    for LIFE.

    Whatever your needs, this book will help you. Was £12 …..Now ONLY £6 for a limited time.

    There are so many ‘diets’ out there, so many weight loss supplements and we go through life trying them all. Often starting in our teens or early 20’s we follow the fads, low carb, high protein, low fat – we might try pills to curb our appetite,  block fat absorption, make us poop more but none of this has a lasting effect. I have never been really overweight, probably 14-20 lbs at certain times in my life and I have tried –

    The Mars Bar diet –

    The low fat yogurt and  black coffee diet

    The Cabbage Diet,

    The F Plan Diet – OMG! that was the start to many of my problems!

    The South Beach Diet……..

    It is possible to initially lose weight doing all of these but it is not sustainable and ultimately not healthy. As a Nutritionist I now know how damaging some of these dietary changes are with many of them slowing your metabolism and depriving your body of vital nutrients. The decades long Low Fat eating advice – even for those not over-weight, has been the most damaging and has resulted in an epidemic of chronic disease, insulin resistance and obesity. The move to convenience foods and fast food results in us eating highly processed foods that are actually nutrient deficient and if we are nutritionally deficient we get food cravings, hormone imbalance and lowered immunity. Many of these highly processed foods cause inflammation in the body. This might become evident by pains in joints, eczema, heartburn, IBS, fatigue, high Blood pressure, weight gain, Diabetes.

    Modern Lifestyle also adds to the problem with more stress, exposure to many toxins, drinking more alcohol, more snacking, less quality rest and sleep. Our immune systems suffer and we end up taking more antibiotics and all of these things can damage our digestive tract and cause even more long-term problems.

    If you have a chronic health problem and inflammation then by healing your gut and improving your immune system you will reduce inflammation, improve your digestion, gain energy and vitality and reverse chronic damage.

    All the information you need to get started on the road to healing and health. From the foods to eat and enjoy to the natural supplements that will help your recovery – 30 pages of up to date information and links to more resources that can help – all in one guide.

    We are the midst of an epidemic of Chronic disease. Autoimmune Diseases – of which there are more than a 100 confirmed and many more suspected; Cancer; Heart disease; Diabetes; Asthma, Arthritis; Chronic Fatigue; Anxiety and depression. It is Chronic disease that is crippling our Health Services and ruining our quality of life.

    Especially relevant is the fact that drugs do not cure most Chronic Diseases – therefore we need to address the problems in a different way and not just treat symptoms but core body functions. Consequently Functional Medicine is the only way forward, looking at how chronic disease is caused and addressing diet and lifestyle for a sustained recovery.

    Chronic disease often starts with inflammation and a poor immune system and it is totally possible to reverse this with lifestyle and good nutrition choices. Proven by Doctors and Nutritionists around the World.

    If you want to make changes that improve your health long-term, reduce your chances of getting Dementia, Cancer or Autoimmune diseases this book will help you, step by step, including supplements and recipes to get you on the right track. It is a regime that is easy to stick to and puts you in charge. By finding out which foods cause problems for you and how you can control your appetite and fat burning with natural foods.

    This guide will tell you how. (Different currencies catered for through this link.)

    Buy my product

  • Cancer Prevention/ Cancer./ GcMAF

    Where are we now with GcMAF?


    GcMAF has been around now for several years and has had a very bumpy ride. I first wrote about it in 2014 in the post GcMaf – A Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment.The Company First Immune has had to close it’s clinic, and also their centre in Guernsey had all it’s bank accounts closed and there is a ban on importing GcMAF, a production plant in the UK was closed down apparently due to unsafe practice with human blood but their website claims that they supply 8,000 patients through 350 Doctors in 30 Nations. So where are we now with GcMAF? 

    GcMAF is a natural human protein that our bodies make that activates macrophages (large white blood cells that engulf and digest foreign substances, viruses, bacteria and cancer cells).  Cancer and most viruses block the action of GcMAF with an enzyme called Nagalase so the the idea behind the treatment is to take GcMAF and also take Vitamins D3/K2 and additional nutrients to boost the immune system. High Nagalase has also been found in some children with Autism and the clinic also treats this, plus HIV and some other conditions. As well as GcMAF they have a product that is GcMAF combined with oleic acid (from olive oil) that is given by drops under the tongue and called GOleic . It is believed that the Gc proteins bind to fatty acids and therefore the diet can be supplemented with olive oil, coconut oil or MCT oil. Another product recommended in the treatment is Bravo Probiotic Yogurt that is made at home from a culture that is bovine milk and colostrum. This would improve gut flora and improve the immune system. It is possible to buy all these products on the internet from First Immune website.

    A Prof. Ruggiero who was a researcher for Immuno Biotech has now opened a lab in Arizona and is producing a new Immunotherapy treatment called Rerum which, instead of using blood, uses Chondroitin Sulphate with Oleic Acid and Vitamin D2 and D3 which he claims stops the growth of new blood vessels to the cancer. The Rerum protocol includes

    • Bravo Probiotic
    • A Ketogenic diet (one that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates) – the diet stops the growth of cancer.
    • Rerum kills the remaining cancer.

    This is a very different scientific claim to GcMAF -alerting the immune system and shrinking tumours the first week of treatment. Chondroitin thins the blood and so should not be taken with blood thinning medications. Immuno Biotech CEO David Noakes claims that Rerum has been tested in Labs alongside GOleic and was found not to activate Macrophages or kill cancer cells.

    So, back to the question “Where are we now with GcMAF?

    I am not a Doctor or Scientist but a researcher and Nutritionist and I know that many people who have cancer themselves, or are related to someone who has been diagnosed, will be constantly researching and looking for answers. I was first researching GcMAF when my husband had cancer back in 2010 and before they had a clinic but it was expensive and although there are many research papers and many individual success stories the Company and the researchers have been consistently searched out and persecuted all over the World with conspiracy theorists blaming ‘Big Pharma’. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions but the Protocols do involve naturals products that cannot, as such be patented. My other problems with it involve the exclusivity of the clinics where only 8 patients were taken at a time and for the treatment it is 4.000 euros a week plus the cost of a hotel which is estimated at 1.000 euros with some people requiring a 3 week stay.

    There is plenty of HOPE

    A couple of years ago I was depressed by these findings but now I am confident that we are very close to finding out how we can prevent and reverse disease with nutritional therapy and supplements. In just a short time we have come to understand so much about the Microbiome and our immune systems. Here is what you can do.

    • We can awaken and strengthen our immune systems by: –
    • removing toxins from our environment, personal care products etc.
    • eating highly nutritious food(organic whenever possible), quality protein, plenty of fresh vegetables and some berries
    • avoiding all forms of sugar,
    • Eating LCHHF diet (Low Carb High Healthy Fats ) coconut oil, MCT, Olive oil, Avocado, nuts etc. essentially a Paleo-ketogenic diet (or as near to that as you can get without unwanted weightloss.)
    • supplementing plant minerals or using Celtic sea salt daily
    • Vitamins especially D3 ,K2 Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex
    • Improve your immune system by Healing your Gut and taking L Glutamine, gelatin, bone broth and good Probiotics and possibly Colostrum.
    • Add more spices to your diet – Turmeric/Curcumin plus black pepper is anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, Cinnamon and Golden Milk is a lovely way to do it.
    • Eat different types of mushrooms – they contain Vitamin D and have immune boosting properties
    • Get out in the air and sunshine when possible and increase your activity levels to increase oxygen supply to the cells. Do relaxing but energising exercise like yoga, chi gong, walking, swimming and mindfully practice deep breathing imaging the oxygen getting to every part of you.

    To regular readers of my blog you will recognise that this is the same protocol that I use for treating all Autoimmune Diseases from Rheumatoid Arthritis to Diabetes as well as Cancer. All these diet and lifestyle treatments that work to improve our immune systems and eliminate toxins and inflammation – the main causes of all Chronic disease and are in more detail in my eBook ‘TURN YOUR HEALTH AROUND‘ available for £12 or in your own currency by clicking at the bottom of that post.


    P.S. If anyone reading this would like to obtain GcMaf and associated products then please see the details in Comments.

  • Cancer./ Health/ Immune System/ Immune system - healing/ Thymus Gland

    Immune Function – Thymus Gland

    Immune Function - Thymus Gland

    Immune function relies on a healthy Thymus Gland. The Thymus gland is situated under the breastbone at the top of the chest, just below the Thyroid Gland. It is the major gland of our immune system, responsible for many functions, including the production of T Lymphocytes – a type of white blood cell responsible for cell mediated immunity rather than antibody controlled immunity. Cell mediated immunity is extremely important in forming resistance to infection by mold-like bacteria, yeasts, fungi, parasites and viruses (including Epstein -Barr and Herpes Simplex). It is also critical in protecting us from the development of cancer and allergies.

    The Thymus gland also releases several hormones which regulate many immune functions and low levels of these are associated with depressed immunity and increased susceptibility to infection. Thymic hormones are frequently very low in the elderly, AIDS patients and cancer patients ( especially those who have undergone Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) and high stress levels deplete them more.

    There are three main areas where you can do things to improve your Thymus function and boost your immunity. Read More

  • Cancer./ Health/ Healthy Food

    MORE Food/Health SCARES!

    Food/Health SCARES

    The Media are into Halloween with yet MORE Food/Health SCARES! This one has been around for about 20 years and even people who don’t know much about nutrition have usually heard by now that red meat (Beef, Pork and Lamb), preserved meats and burnt meats have cancer causing properties.

    Should we be scared?


    Are we confused about what we should be eating?


    Is there some truth in the stories about meat and cancer?


    We should all be scared because we can no longer trust our food supply or the safety of our foods and we can’t trust food manufacturers to put safety over profit. We have to educate ourselves on where our food comes from, what it may have been contaminated with and whether it is actually safe for us and our children to eat.

    It doesn’t have to be too complicated but it starts with an understanding of how we eat and how our food has changed over the last 50 years, the amount of ‘factory’ food that is now available and how far that is removed from REAL food.

    Developing a habit of looking at ingredients labels and knowing which can be damaging to your health – things like hydrogenated oils and fats, sugar, preservatives, artificial colourings, flavourings and sweeteners.

    Sourcing as much natural, organic if possible, food locally and making that the bulk of your diet. Eating CLEAN means knowing where your food has come from, farm or factory, and whether it has been treated with pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones etc.

    Not all meat is the same. Lamb or goat that has been roaming the hills is not the same as intensively famed Pork or Beef.

    Cook good meat in a way that doesn’t char or burn it. Eat it with plenty of herbs or spices and vegetables. Make sure your digestion is good, that you have good transit time and that you deal with constipation and inflammatory gut conditions. Semi-digested meat left in the gut causes fermentation, gas, inflammation and toxicity.

    Processed meats aren’t all the same. Some have been soaked in vats of chemicals, some have been preserved in salt and then air dried. Sausages may just contain minced meat, herbs and seasoning while others may contain poor quality and quantity of meat, excess fat, rusk, soya, artificial colouring and preservatives.

    Bare in mind that everything is DOSE dependant. If you eat bacon every day, hot dogs, pizza, pies, burgers and steak, high quantities of sugar, alcohol, coffee and sodas and very little fruit and vegetables – YOU WILL GET SICK.

    Variety and moderation are key. We were designed to eat meat and vegetables and eating these together has more health protective properties.

    Argentina and Uruguay eat the highest levels of red meat and they frequently cook it over open flame and they have the highest levels of breast and colo-rectal cancers in the world. The Inuit eat high levels of red meat but also herbs, seaweeds and other beneficial plants and they don’t get these cancers.

    If you want to know more of the reasons why red meat probably carries a higher risk than chicken or fish then here are the links to two very reliable sources of information.

    The Paleo Mom



  • Exclusion diet/ Food intolerance/ Immune system - healing/ Inflammation/ Leaky Gut/ Mineral Depletion/ Nutritional Medicine/ Wheat and Dairy Intolerance

    Turn Your Health Around

    Paleo Diet Help

    If you want to remain healthy or turn your health around you have to look after your gut health and your microbiome.  The microbiome is the collection of over 500 species of gut bacteria that support your immune system, contribute to weight, disease and health.

    So much research and information has been shared in the last 5 years on the importance of the microbiome and correcting chronic health problems from IBS to Cancer, Anxiety to Autoimmune Diseases. This is the one strong message that dominates – lifestyle diseases require lifestyle changes to heal – and your gut health is the most important to take action on to improve your health. Drugs just disguise the symptoms and cause more problems in the long run – they are not the cure.

    The gut wall is just one cell thick and these are some of the fastest healing cells in the body. If given the right nutrients and conditions they can heal in 3-7 days. Then strengthen your microbiome with good diet and supplements.

    What damages these cells and causes problems such as inflammation and leaky gut? Read More

  • Food intolerance/ Health/ Healthy Food/ Inflammation/ Integrated Medicine/ Nutritional Medicine/ Wheat and Dairy Intolerance

    10 Food ‘Facts’ that are wrong

    Food 'Facts' that are wrong

    10 Food ‘Facts’ that are wrong –

    popular misconceptions about Food and your Health that need correcting

    1. “You need Carbs for energy”  No, you need FOOD for energy. Protein contains similar energy per gramme as Carbohydrates and Fats have around double the energy content but both with keep you from feeling hungry for far longer as they take longer to metabolise. You have all the enzymes needed to inter-convert encoded for you in your genes. If you switch from eating predominantly carbs to eating more protein or fat it takes a few hours for the body to adjust but your energy will probably increase.
    2. “The Brain needs glucose to function therefore we must eat sugar and other carbs” – No, the Brain actually runs better on ketone bodies from burning fats.
    3. “Natural Sugar is OK” No, it is still sugar whatever form it is in and if not taken in moderation with other food that includes fat and protein it will cause insulin spikes and this is bad. Processed sugar is totally empty calories as it contains no other nutrients whereas whole fruit or vegetables like sweet potato contain other nutrients. Honey, Black-strap Molasses and coconut sugar also contain some healthy nutrients although they are still sugar and should be used in small amounts and they are preferable to artificial sweeteners.
    4. “A Calorie is a Calorie, it doesn’t matter how your energy is made up only that you have the right amount of energy”  No, we can go on ridiculous diets (and I have tried some of them!) like eating nothing but yogurt and drinking black coffee or eating cabbage soup all day but any diet that cuts out nutrients will cause deficiency and then cravings for other foods and overeating.
    5. “Because fat contains twice the energy of Carbs you are more likely to gain weight on a high fat diet” No, fat is very satiating, you will not overeat on fat fat if you keep your carb intake as low as possible. You will also get the benefit of sufficient fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E and if you choose healthy fats you will also balance your Omega 3 oils to give you a more anti-inflammatory diet.
    6. “Animal fats cause Heart Disease” No evidence supports this whatsoever, only a consensus of opinion driven by anything but science.
    7. Cholesterol causes heart disease and should be lowered (Total) while HDL should be higher than LDL for heart health.”  –  No, Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. There is no evidence to support this. Atherosclerosis (hardening and thickening of the arteries) is an inflammatory/immune dysfunction, not a lipid (fat) dysfunction. If you have high cholesterol go on an anti-inflammatory diet and analyse the type of oils and fats that you are consuming that may have lead to inflammation, like high Omega 6 or Trans fats.
    8. “The best thing to do is take a ‘Balanced Diet’ ” – or “You don’t need to take Supplements if you eat a ‘Balanced Diet” No, The best thing to do for your health is to take a nutritionally complete diet from which, we as a species has evolved.
    9.  ” Wheat and other wholegrains are an important (even vital) part of the human diet” No, they are unnecessary carbs and it has been proved that many of us cannot tolerate them without immediate dysfunction. A high grain/cereal intake, even in people who think they can tolerate them, can lead to long-term inflammation, Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, fatness/obesity, heart disease, vascular disease and Alzheimer’s.
    10. ” Medical or dietetic qualifications provide a good grounding in the science of nutrition” No, so much of the science of nutrition has been disproved by more scientific methods and studies of other cultures and also by learning from our mistakes of being guided by government or Food producers over the last half century when we have seen chronic disease escalate. Functional medicine is now looking at Nutrition and the body as a whole to prevent and reverse Chronic disease caused by all these misconceptions.

    My thanks to Bart Kay Lecturer in Clinical Physiology at HE Birmingham University Sector UK for having compiled this list on a discussion topic on LinkedIn. I have modified it slightly for the form of this website but have included all his important misconceptions about food and health that need to be taken seriously if we are to improve our health and our medical treatment.

    Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you, or explore other Posts to gain insight into particular chronic health problems and beneficial changes you can make.

  • Adrenal Fatigue/ Cancer./ Energy/ Environmental/ Health/ Hyperthyroidism/ Hypothyroidism/ Mineral Depletion/ Nutrition and Cancer/ Sizzling Minerals

    Interesting Iodine

    iodine deficiency

    Iodine deficiency is a global health concern. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that over 2 billion people may be iodine deficient with about 50 million of them suffering from deficiency disorders which can range from low energy, cognitive decline, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction to cardiovascular disease, fibrocystic breast disease and a variety of cancers, especially breast and stomach cancer. Research has linked Iodine deficiency with ADHD and Autism with rates rising dramatically over the last two decades. According to research in the USA Iodine levels have dropped by more than half since the 1970’s. Under production of the hormone thyroxine causes weakened neural connections in the brain/nervous system. Iodine is therefore especially necessary for pregnant women and the development of their babies.

    From about the 1920’s onwards many people were suffering the effects of iodine deficiency, sometimes developing a visible swelling at the front of the neck called a Goiter in adults and preventable mental retardation in children due to low levels of iodine in the soil and diet. Governments recognised the problem and decided to add iodine to table salt as a way of increasing iodine levels in the diet. Most salts do not contain enough iodine to rectify the problem and processed foods don’t have to contain iodised salt therefore coupled with the reduction in salt intake over the last 20 years we now have millions suffering deficiency disorders.

    Iodine and the amino acid tyrosine make up thyroid hormones that control metabolism, body temperature, heart rate and glucose and fat levels in the blood. Selenium, Zinc and iron are also co-factors for enzymes that contribute to healthy tissue in the body.

    Too much thyroid hormone results in hyperthyroidism – a high metabolic rate, rapid heart beat and often palpitations, feeling warmer than normal and excessive sweating. In extreme cases it can lead to muscle weakness and weight loss. Too little thyroid hormone results in hypothyroidism – with the opposite symptoms, slow heart rate, feeling cold, constipation, weight gain, dry skin and hair, muscle aches and weakness, depression and fatigue. Energy levels are affected via the thyroid adrenal axis  and so adrenal support is often needed as well as thyroid support.

    It is often confusing that Iodine deficiency can lead to both low thyroid function and hyperthyroidism but fortunately all iodine deficiency disorders and related health issues can be prevented and treated with adequate intake of Iodine. Anyone who has been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease or Graves disease should work with their doctor to assess and correct their Iodine levels.

    These actions, generally promoted as being healthy, can also reduce your available Iodine –

    1. decreasing your salt intake
    2. using salt that has little or no Iodine
    3. being on a vegetarian or vegan diet puts you in an at risk group because plants contain lower iodine than animal and dairy products. It is hard to get even the minimum daily 150 mcg without eating seafood, eggs or dairy but eating small amounts of seaweed would easily correct this imbalance.
    4. sweating profusely while exercising means iodine can be lost in substantial amounts and that also applies to those that work in hot, humid environments.

    How much Iodine do we need? Read More

  • Alternative Medicine/ Cancer./ Health/ Immune system - healing/ Nutrition and Cancer

    The Truth About Cancer – Review 3 Treatments


    The Truth About Cancer video series discussed many treatment options and I will attempt to review most of them and give links to where you can find more information than was possible here. If I have omitted any then please add details and links in the Comments section at the end so that we can make the information complete. My aim with these 3 reviews was to present as many facts as possible from the video series and present them in a shortened form as a guide or for anyone who missed it. Or visit thetruthaboutcancer.com  where you can buy the series.

    The series quoted that ” 86% of Oncologists say they would not give themselves, or their families the drugs that they use” and then discussed the many and varied approaches that are being used.

    “We need to know how to work outside the box, how to get strategically creative and pursue better results than traditional methods are offering…” Andrea Nakayama Functional Nutritionist.

    They showed 7 key principle areas for helping patients tackle their cancer. Many of these overlap in treatments

    1. Alternative Cancer therapies
    2. Stimulation of the immune system
    3. Detoxification
    4. Nutrition
    5. Anti-microbial therapy
    6. Emotional support
    7. Oxygenation

    Cancer starts in a toxic body with a stressed or suppressed immune system therefore it is important to optimise physiology and to support the body in healing itself. This is obviously the opposite to conventional therapy of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy that all inflict more damage and damage the immune system but some people feel the way forward for them is to integrate conventional and healing treatments to improve the outcome. For instance surgery followed by therapies other than conventional.

    Here are a list of treatments that are designed to support the body:

    • Hyperthermia – heat kills cancer cells so warming the body and sweating help with detoxing and killing cells. Infa-red Saunas were recommended.
    • Parasite cleanse – Parasites if present can weaken the immune system and deplete nutritional status so a cleanse using herbs and spices such as Artemesia, cinnamon, garlic, black Walnut etc. can help.
    • Bowel health – establishing plenty of good bacteria in the gut with sufficient fibre and probiotics will improve detoxification and the immune system health.
    • Liver Cleanse – to optimise liver function, Epson salts, olive oil and fruit juice cleanses can help. See Liver Cleanses
    • Coffee Enemas – came highly recommended but this does not just mean taking your morning coffee by a different route! For more information go to Mind Body Green or for a video on how to use one.
    • 100% Raw Diet – for 90 days (organic) plus supplements to aid detox such as Glutathione and NAC
    • Hippocrates  SoupRecipe
    • Pancreatic Enzymes – for an in depth explanation go to Dr.Sircus 
    • Fulvic Acid and Minerals – go to Fulvic Acid for information from Dr. Daniel Nuzum
    • No Sugar Diet – which also includes low carbohydrates so as to keep the blood sugar low. Cancer thrives on sugar and an acidic environment.


    1. The Gerson Therapy – Coffee enemas, juicing, rest and organic meals using these FOODS
    2. The Budwig Diet – Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet
    3. The Forsythe Immune Protocol here
    4. Montgomery Cancer Center Alabama where they use advanced Carmichael Imaging to target treatment.
    5. Dendritic Cell Therapy see info and canceractive.com
    6. Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy – info and canceractive.com
    7. Intravenous Laetrile or eating apricot kernels info at cancertutor.com/laetrile/
    8. Insulin Potentiated Low Dose Chemotherapy ( IPTLD) A low dose of chemo (10%) plus insulin to lower the blood sugar.  More info.
    9. Photo-dynamic Therapy  – uses photo-sensitizing drugs  along with light to kill cancer cells.
    10. Iscador Therapy – is mistletoe extract that is injected under the skin more info.
    11. Anti-neoplastic Therapy – Burzynski Clinic uses epigenetics to enhance the immune system but he is unable to say any more due to legal restrictions.
    12. GcMaf – see my previous Post on GcMaf or  https://gcmaf.se and more info GcMaf (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor) Treatment involves GOleic supplement, 10,000iu D3 a day, a diet of white meat, fish and vegetables with no sugar or carbohydrates plus a probiotic yogurt called BravoProbiotic. on their website they list the 5 main causes of cancer: 1. Too much sugar 2. Lack of Vitamin D3 3. Poor nutrition lacking in amino acids and minerals 4.Lack of oxygen and exercise 5. Severe shock or stress. There have been many clinical trials and several are ongoing in various parts of the world see Japan and as far as I can tell this is the most promising discovery so far in that it works with nutrition and a substance that is naturally in the body to activate the body to recognise and kill the cancer cells. It also follows the same principles that are now being used to treat a multitude of chronic diseases and GcMaf has also been used to treat diseases as diverse as Autism and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    Disclaimer. I personally am not recommending any or all of these treatments, I am only reviewing the information that I have seen. I do have personal experience of some of these treatments but have not included that information because every patient and every cancer is different and everyone has to make their own decisions about the treatment that feels right for them.

    Many of these treatments do not have published scientific studies but do have testimonials over many years . Others have Clinical research papers but it appears that the more successful the treatments, the more they generate adverse publicity and counter claims by many agencies. This makes it extremely difficult for the cancer patient to know what is best but as The Truth About Cancer states – follow the money trail. Big Pharma do not want anyone to succeed with alternative treatments that they cannot get patents for. Do your on-line research but don’t waste your time reading Government agency reports or general media coverage. Try to find the places where the therapies are being offered, to how many patients, for how long and the standard of medical care and expertise in those clinics. The other factors that can influence your decisions are location and cost. Many of these treatments may not be available in your country or even if they are the cost may be prohibitive but there is much information here that you can take action on yourself. Support is also growing massively with organisations like The Truth About Cancer bringing together Professionals to educate us so that we can make more informed decisions and find the right professionals to help. Thank you to them and I hope that through my website I am able to reach the people that may not have had the chance to watch the original series.

  • Cancer./ Health/ Immune system - healing/ Inflammation/ Nutrition and Cancer/ Supplements

    The Truth About Cancer Review 2 – Supplements

    The Truth About Cancer

    In The Truth About Cancer many supplements were mentioned and it can be confusing without more information and so I will review them here and add sources of naturally occurring nutrients and appropriate dosage for supplements.


    Stress was placed on eating well to provide as many nutrients as possible but some vitamins may be needed in greater quantity than can be consume, especially if the appetite has been affected.

    The fat soluble vitamins A and D, E and K affect and regulate the immune system and may need to be supplemented. They can be stored in the body. They do not work in isolation and therefore require all fat soluble vitamins to be present.

    Vitamin A

    • Retinol and Beta-carotene are the naturally occurring forms of vitamin A.
    • It is essential for normal immune system function of  – Neutrophils, Macrophages and Natural Killer cells. It is also essential for T cells, cytokines and production of antibodies.
    • Necessary for healthy eyesight, mucous membranes as well as synthesis of protein and tissue development.
    • Good Natural sources are liver, fish-liver oils, cheese and butter for Retinol and for Beta-carotene – carrots, apricots, canteloupe melon, parsley, spinach, kale and sweet potato.
    • Supplement dosage for adults can be taken as fish-liver oil capsules or liquid and 10,000 iu is adequate with up to 25,000iu if recommended by nutritionist or Doctor. High dosage can cause headaches and nausea.

    Vitamin D  

    • Essential for correct immune system function.
    • It can be synthesised from cholesterol in response to sunlight on the skin.
    • it is a steroid hormone that effects the expression of more than 200 genes
    • it is essential for mineral metabolism
    • it regulates the absorption and transport of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus
    • it regulates serotonin for mental health and digestive function
    • it helps control cell growth
    • studies have shown it may prevent cancer and especially breast cancer
    • it regulates T and B cell function, macrophages and dendritic cells
    • it helps to assimilate vitamin A
    • good natural sources are oily fish and fish-liver oils, dairy products
    • Dosage for adult supplement varies between 1,000 iu and 10,000 iu  too much can cause nausea and vomiting, sore eyes, itchy skin, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and kidney damage.

    Vitamin E

    • an anti-oxidant vitamin
    • helps provide the cells with oxygen
    • aids the maturation of T cells in the Thymus Gland
    • anti-inflammatory
    • helps the skin heal and prevents scaring
    • good natural sources are wheat germ, soy-beans, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, eggs, oats, almonds, butter, sunflower oil and seeds
    • Dosage of Alpha Tocopherol can be safely taken 1,000 iu or on practitioners advice up to 2,000 iu

    Vitamin K

    • there are two types of Vitamin K. K1 (phyloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone)
    • important for tooth and bone health
    • anti-oxidant
    • boosts immune function
    • anti-inflammatory
    • essential for the formation of blood clotting factors
    • good natural sources pasture raised animal meat, fermented foods and can also be produced by the micro-flora in the gut when enough leafy green vegetables are eaten.
    • not as well stored as other fat soluble vitamins.
    • Dosage of synthetic Vitamin K is not recommended above 500 mcg but improving gut health and taking probiotics with the right nutrients in the diet should provide adequate unless there is chronic diarrhoea.

    Water Soluble Vitamins

     Vitamin C

    • Extremely important as an antioxidant and in controlling inflammation.
    • It is also necessary for the absorption of iron.
    • important for healing wounds and burns
    • supports immune system function and helping in preventing infections
    • it works best with bioflavinoids, calcium and magnesium
    • Sometimes given in large doses intra-venously as part of cancer treatment.
    • Good natural sources are fresh fruit and vegetables – citrus fruits, Kiwis, tomatoes, broccoli, leafy green veg and bell peppers
    • Not stored in the body in humans therefore daily intake important
    • Dosage from 1 -4 grams orally per day but the higher dose can cause diarrhoea. I/V dosage can go much higher without this side effect and not be toxic.

    Vitamin B

    • 8 numbered B vitamins all of which are important for cellular metabolism
    • for supporting detoxification through the methylation cycle
    • for the formation of red blood cells
    • the body doesn’t store the B Vitamins and they are depleted even faster when the body is under stress
    • Better to take as B-Complex as they work synergistically
    • sometimes Laetrile is called B17 although it is technically not a vitamin (see treatments in next post)
    • good natural sources are red meat, offal, beans, oatmeal, brown rice, leafy greens, fish, egg yolk, avocados, sunflower seeds, prunes, nuts, milk, yogurt and apricots.
    • Dosage as Vitamin B Complex is usually 50 mg to 100 mg (short term) at higher dosage there is a reported risk of peripheral nerve damage


    The minerals mentioned frequently on The Truth About Cancer were

    • Chromium – important for blood-sugar control and fat metabolism. Found in Liver, wholegrains, cheese, molasses, mushrooms and egg yolk Dose 100-200 mcgs under normal conditions
    • Selenium – essential for the action of up to 30 enzymes that protect the body from oxidative damage and the repair of DNA. It is considered to protect against many cancers. Found in Wheat germ, tuna fish, onions, tomatoes and broccoli but many soils are deficient and therefore the plants grown are as well. Fresh Brazil nuts are usually a good source. Dose 400 to 1000 iu as L-selenomethionine and with Vitamin E for best effect
    • Potassium – necessary to transport carbon dioxide by red blood cells, for electrolyte balance, water balance, stabilises internal cell structure. Good sources are avocados, leafy green vegetables, bananas, dried fruits, juiced fruit and vegetables, nuts, potatoes and molasses. Not taken as a dietary supplement but may be prescribed with diuretics or those that are loosing a lot of body fluid for other medical reasons.
    • Iodine – helps prevent against the toxic affects of radiation, produces thyroid hormones, and is considered to be protective of tissues against cancer, especially breast tissue, thyroid tissue and brain tissue. Found in fish and seafood, seaweed, pineapple, raisins and dairy produce. It can be taken as Lugol’s iodine drops in water or painted in a patch on the skin where it will be absorbed.
    • Silica  – required for the formation of connective tissue, collagen and mucous membranes
    • Silver – acts to kill bacteria, viruses and some cancers. Can be taken by mouth or sprayed on the skin.
    • Sulphur – needed by many biochemical processes in the body. Necessary component of all proteins, many enzymes and antioxidant molecules. Critically important for the detoxification pathways. Found in all the onion and garlic family. Often taken as MSM.
    • Zinc – one of the most important trace elements in our body and often one of the first to be wiped out by cancer. Lack of smell or taste is a classic symptom of deficiency. It is necessary for fertility, hormones, immune system, growth, energy metabolism and red blood cells. It transports carbon dioxide and is necessary for vitamin A metabolism and transportation. Good sources are offal, meat, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, oysters, eggs, and wholegrain products. Supplementation should not exceed 30 mgs on its own as it can unset the balance of other minerals so would require increased copper, iron and selenium.
    • Iron – essential mineral for the transportation of oxygen around the body and the removal of carbon dioxide. Also forms part of many enzymes. Necessary for immune function, required by the liver and and protects against some free radicals. Found in Liver, kidneys, red meat, cocoa powder, beans, dark chocolate, shellfish, nuts, pulses, broccoli and egg yolks. Best taken as organic iron and with vitamin C.

    Other Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory supplements  useful in Cancer treatment and prevention.

    • Resveratrol is helpful in modulating the immune system and a potent anti-inflammatory. It is a polyphenol found in red grapes, red wine, and berries. At low doses it can stimulate the immune system and it is also a phytoestrogen so it is best to only supplement with the help of a functional medicine practitioner.
    • Quercertin  a flavenoid and also a phytoestrogen  has anti-inflammatory properties but can also inhibit dendritic cells. Research shows only small amounts are needed by the body. It is contained in Apples, onions, tea, capers, red grapes, citrus fruits, raspberries, broccoli, tomatoes and cherries.
    • Astragalus a herb used for over two thousand years in Chinese medicine and used in some hospitals now to help promote recovery from the toxic effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. it boosts the immune system, treats burns and hepatitis. It has anti-cancer properties. One US study showed that it helps the body differentiate between healthy cells and cancer cells. Dosage is 2000 to 3000 mgs per day taken with meals.
    • Wormwood  Artemisia has strong anti-parasitical and anti-fungal effects and has an oxidative effect on cells so may help kill cancer cells. Also works as an anti-malarial.
    • Beta-glucans are sugars (polysaccharides) that are found in the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, rice, oats and barley. they are used in the treatment of cancer and many other diseases for their ability to boost the immune system. MGM-Biobran is a supplement made from rice bran. Mushroom extracts also contain Beta-glucans – see my post on The Magic of Mushrooms and mushroom extracts.
    • Proteolytic Enzymes were found to inhibit growth of certain cancer cells in 1900 and yet the research was not generally accepted until years later. These enzymes now form part of some cancer treatment regimes.
    • Fulvic Acid  talked about by Dr. Dan Nuzum  on The Truth About Cancer, often claimed to be the most powerful antioxidant to help the body  fight cancer. Fulvic acids come from humus or compost remains of vegetable matter. They can contain many minerals with high active carbon and high molecular oxygen in such small size as they can pass through cell membranes. It is thought that when added to chlorinated water they actually can change into some toxic, cancer causing agents. If taking as supplements then it is important to use filtered or Spring water.
    • Salvestrols are plant derived compounds called phytonutrients that when combined with enzymes convert into a form that is toxic to malfunctioning cells.
    • Medical marijuana in some form, is now available in many Countries because it has been shown to have pain relieving and anti-cancer properties. Most patients with cancer want to carry on as normal a life as possible and would not want to be ‘stoned’ all the time and unable to drive etc. therefore marijuana without the euphoric inducing effect could be more beneficial as a treatment.

    I hope that this information will help anyone suffering from cancer or wishing to take steps to prevent it. I would like to add that minerals are best taken as plant derived natural source that contains at least 60 minerals that work together to maintain a disease an ailment free body. I would personally recommend Sizzling Minerals and for more information on a video go to www.healthcoach2000.com

    Next Post will be about alternative cancer treatments – please sign up to follow on the Hello Bar at the top of the home page.


  • Cancer./ Health/ Immune system - healing/ Inflammation/ Integrated Medicine/ Mineral Depletion/ Nutrition and Cancer/ Nutritional Medicine

    The Truth About Cancer – Review part 1

    Natural Cancer treatment

    The Truth About Cancer  a review of a series of 11 videos presented by Ty Bollinger. I have watched them and would like to review the information given over the next 4 Posts, not just as a Nutritionist but as someone who has been through a lot of the processes with my husband who had Sarcoma.

    If you missed all or some of them you have a few hours this weekend 11th/12th April to catch up by going to this link

    The Truth About Cancer

    The Purpose of these videos was to Educate, Expose and Eradicate and they have certainly served the purpose of educating and exposing to all who watched by providing an abundance of evidence based, less toxic treatments. Now we need to spread the word so that we can move towards eradicating cancer. Up until now anyone who chose not to go down the harsh route of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy could feel isolated and lacking in support, even by their own relatives. Hopefully this series has started a Worldwide movement to improve the availability of information, improve cancer outcomes with or without traditional treatment and education for everyone about prevention of cancer. As stated in the series this information is only to inform and should not replace the medical advice from a physician who knows you and your condition. Some of the treatment regimes mentioned are controversial and may need further investigating.

    The series of 11 videos covered a massive amount of information on

    1. Nutrition
    2. Supplements
    3. Natural treatments and protocols
    4. Alternative Medical approaches

    They also Exposed the bad medical and nutritional advice so often given to patients – probably the most common being that you need plenty of calories from Dairy, Carbohydrates and Sugar to counteract the weight loss associated with conventional treatment. Many people on the series talked about trusting your instincts, about what feels right for you and mental positivity.

    The Truth About Cancer has to be known. With more than 1:3 people having this disease in their lifetimes we are all affected and yet much of this information has been suppressed for years but The Truth About Cancer has made an impact. With the right knowledge we all should be to be free to choose.


    First and foremost the main message was SUGAR feeds cancer and that also includes white, processed carbohydrates and alcohol. Keeping your blood sugar lower but level is key to fighting cancer.

    Getting as much nutrition into the body as possible. A nutritionally deficient body is a toxic sponge. Cancer is a disease of an already sick body whose detoxification pathways and immune system have been under pressure.

    Detoxification should target the following systems in this order

    1. Bowels
    2. Kidneys and urine
    3. Breath and skin
    4. Lymph movement
    5. Liver and blood

    1. Bowels – Raw vegetable and berry juicing with lots of fresh, organic vegetables and salads. Coconut. Probiotics. Coffee enemas.

    2. Kidney’s and urine – drink plenty of spring water and eat or juice watery fruits and vegetables like cucumber, melon, water melon, kiwi – including all the seeds. Coconut water.

    3. Breath and skin – helped by exercise, deep breathing, skin brushing, Saunas, steam rooms to detox through sweating.

    4. Lymph movement – rebounding one of the best ways, yoga inversions, massage. We have eight pints of blood that is pumped around the body but twelve pints of lymph that needs our help by movement.

    5. Liver and blood – Silymarin, Dandelion, wheat-grass. Coffee enemas to keep the liver working, especially when there is a heavy tumour load.

    Cancer fighting Foods for Optimal Nutrition

    • Berries – Vitamin C, Ellagic acid, Polyphenols are all good anti-cancer foods. Pomegranates, Raspberries, Strawberries (have special fibres that run from the outside seeds into the fruit and help bind to 90% of toxins making them easier to eliminate), blackberries, blueberries etc.
    • Fruit seeds – contain amygdalin that has been shown to have anti-cancer properties. Apples seeds have some but Apricot seeds or kernels have more. These substances have been used for many years as alternative cancer treatment  and are sometimes called B17 or Laetrile.
    • Iodine containing foods – fish and seafood, seaweeds, algae spirulina and chlorella (also contain Polysaccharides that help cellular communication and help identify rouge cells), raw garlic and pineapple. Low iodine is a cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Supplement with iodine if you are eating a large amount of raw cabbage, Brussel-sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower as these foods are antagonistic to iodine.
    • Mushrooms – many types of mushroom boost the immune system and are anti-cancer especially shittake
    • Beets and radishes – contain Anthrocyanins that can kill cancer cells. As do blackcurrants, elderberries, black olives, figs, red grapes, red plums, blueberries, red onions, red cabbage and Avocados.
    • Virgin Olive Oil contains polyphenols – anti-oxidants. as do Pecans and Walnuts.
    • Sulphur containing foods, onions, garlic, broccoli and sprouting seeds block cancer cell formation.
    • Turmeric and Green Tea contain polyphenols that are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory.
    • Ginger, Black Pepper and Curcumin and Ayurvedic Formulas can improve synergy and healing.
    • Organic Vegetables – good source of minerals and so are alkalising – carrots, spinach, chard, kale, onions etc.
    • Zinc – one of the most important trace elements found in offal, meat, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, oysters, eggs.

    Next Post will be on Supplements for help with Cancer treatment and immune boosting.

    sign up on Hello Bar at top of page so that you don’t miss Part 2