Nutritional Medicine



the connections we need to understand and take action on.

World Soil Day

RTEmagicC GSP WSD 16 WebBanner 150x150 EN 2xwFYZOur soils are the foundation of our Nutrition and yet are in a depleted and polluted state in much of the World.

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And at no time under greater threat……

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Where Food Begins

Healthy soils are critical for global food production, but we are not paying enough attention to this important “silent ally,” FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said on the eve of World Soil Day, to be celebrated on 5 December.

Healthy soils not only are the foundation for food, fuel, fibre and medical products, but also are essential to our ecosystems,  playing a key role in the carbon cycle, storing and filtering water, and improving resilience to floods and droughts, he noted.

via Where Food Begins

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This diagram shows 18 of the minerals that are exchanged between soil, plants and our food – the main 3 being N (nitrogen) P (Phospherous) and K (Potassium) and NPK fertiliser is what has been added back into the soil for many years to get higher yields. The main problem is that there are over 75 minerals that are needed by the body to maintain a disease and ailment free state. The World Health Organisation acknowledges the effect that certain other mineral depletion can have on the health of entire populations – one important one is Iodine that is essential for brain development and thyroid function. Then Selenium is also deficient in many areas and leads to higher rates of cancer.

Soil should also contain a massive diversity of organisms that help support all life on this planet. There should be more organisms in one tablespoon of healthy soil than there are people on this Earth. As with the science of the Microbiome we are only just beginning to realise the importance of these organisms for our immune systems and mental well-being. We are also moving further away from our natural environment and becoming immersed in technology with more contact to our electronic devises than we do to real food and soil.

As a result of all these changes and the addition of an ever increasing amount of pollution and toxins that our body has to deal with, we are becoming chronically sick. There are no pills that cure this only a change in lifestyle and nutrition that will give our bodies what they need to thrive.

We have to take responsibility for this by eating fresh, mainly unprocessed food, buying organic and free range where possible and treating our mineral depletion with Celtic sea salt, Himalayan Salt and Epson Salt baths as a minimum. I personally use Celtic sea salt to make sure I get my minerals.

We also need to eat well to protect our gut and microbiome. Avoid drugs that damage this vital part of our immune system – antibiotics, PPI’s, NSAID’s etc. and take advanced Probiotics to support our gut and brain health. I am in the process of testing a new type of Probiotic that I will write about in 2-3 weeks so if you want to know the results then sign up for my newsletter by Mail-chimp – in the side bar.

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