• Autoimmune diseases/ Exclusion diet/ Food intolerance/ Glutamine/ Health/ Immune System/ Immune system - healing/ Inflammation/ Ketogenic diet/ Leaky Gut/ Mineral Depletion/ Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity/ Nutrition and Cancer/ Nutritional Medicine/ Paleo Diet/ Probiotics/ Sizzling Minerals/ Sugar Detox/ Wheat and Dairy Intolerance

    The Healing Diet – Special Offer!

    Turn Your Health Around book

    New Year and what we all want is to get and stay healthy in 2017!

    So a Special offer for you of 50% the price of my guide so that you can Turn Your Health Around.

    Years of research and personal experiments have led to this approach to a Healing Diet. Find your ideal weight, gain health, energy and vitality – naturally. Make changes that will change your health and keep you healthy

    for LIFE.

    Whatever your needs, this book will help you. Was £12 …..Now ONLY £6 for a limited time.

    There are so many ‘diets’ out there, so many weight loss supplements and we go through life trying them all. Often starting in our teens or early 20’s we follow the fads, low carb, high protein, low fat – we might try pills to curb our appetite,  block fat absorption, make us poop more but none of this has a lasting effect. I have never been really overweight, probably 14-20 lbs at certain times in my life and I have tried –

    The Mars Bar diet –

    The low fat yogurt and  black coffee diet

    The Cabbage Diet,

    The F Plan Diet – OMG! that was the start to many of my problems!

    The South Beach Diet……..

    It is possible to initially loose weight doing all of these but it is not sustainable and ultimately not healthy. As a Nutritionist I now know how damaging some of these dietary changes are with many of them slowing your metabolism and depriving your body of vital nutrients. The decades long Low Fat eating advice – even for those not over-weight, has been the most damaging and has resulted in an epidemic of chronic disease, insulin resistance and obesity. The move to convenience foods and fast food results in us eating highly processed foods that are actually nutrient deficient and if we are nutritionally deficient we get food cravings, hormone imbalance and lowered immunity. Many of these highly processed foods cause inflammation in the body. This might become evident by pains in joints, eczema, heartburn, IBS, fatigue, high Blood pressure, weight gain, Diabetes.

    Modern Lifestyle also adds to the problem with more stress, exposure to many toxins, drinking more alcohol, more snacking, less quality rest and sleep. Our immune systems suffer and we end up taking more antibiotics and all of these things can damage our digestive tract and cause even more long-term problems.

    If you have a chronic health problem and inflammation then by healing your gut and improving your immune system you will reduce inflammation, improve your digestion, gain energy and vitality and reverse chronic damage.

    All the information you need to get started on the road to healing and health. From the foods to eat and enjoy to the natural supplements that will help your recovery – 30 pages of up to date information and links to more resources that can help – all in one guide.

    We are the midst of an epidemic of Chronic disease. Autoimmune Diseases – of which there are more than a 100 confirmed and many more suspected; Cancer; Heart disease; Diabetes; Asthma, Arthritis; Chronic Fatigue; Anxiety and depression. It is Chronic disease that is crippling our Health Services and ruining our quality of life.

    Especially relevant is the fact that drugs do not cure most Chronic Diseases – therefore we need to address the problems in a different way and not just treat symptoms but core body functions. Consequently Functional Medicine is the only way forward, looking at how chronic disease is caused and addressing diet and lifestyle for a sustained recovery.

    Chronic disease often starts with inflammation and a poor immune system and it is totally possible to reverse this with lifestyle and good nutrition choices. Proven by Doctors and Nutritionists around the World.

    If you want to make changes that improve your health long-term, reduce your chances of getting Dementia, Cancer or Autoimmune diseases this book will help you, step by step, including supplements and recipes to get you on the right track. It is a regime that is easy to stick to and puts you in charge. By finding out which foods cause problems for you and how you can control your appetite and fat burning with natural foods.

    This guide will tell you how. (Different currencies catered for through this link.)

    Buy my product

  • Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Energy/ Health/ Inflammation/ Probiotics/ Sizzling Minerals/ Sleep/ Sugar Detox

    SUGAR and overcoming addiction.

    Sugar - overcoming addiction

    You might be surprised that I start by discussion Fat more than Sugar but understanding the connection between the two is vital to understanding SUGAR and overcoming addiction.

    From years we have been told that saturated fat was bad for us and that it caused weight gain, high blood sugar, heart disease and strokes and from that false belief, more and more processed low-fat foods flooded the market. Thousands of fad diets were promoted all centered on low fat and the prevention of weight gain and disease and yet the population has just gone on getting fatter and more sick.

    We now know that advice was totally wrong and that refined vegetable oils and transfats are the lethal ones that age us faster, damage cell walls and cause chronic inflammation and disease. Over these same decades we have eaten more and more carbohydrates to try to satisfy our hunger.  Many of the processed foods and drinks have hidden sugars in an attempt to make them more palatable. Healthy fats satisfy our appetite and have a stabilising influence on blood sugar.

    Insulin Resistance

    Our bodies were not designed to run on sugar and lots of processed carbohydrates like packaged cereals, pasta etc. and therefore we have a hard time converting all those foods to usable fuel. Most modern meals contain much more of this fuel than we can use in the short-term and so the body produces lots of Insulin to process it and allow what is needed to go to work in the muscles, brain and liver. When these cells are full the rest of the glucose is converted to FAT for storage.

    We now consume nearly four times as many carbohydrates(including sugars of all types), a lot less fiber and often poor quality fats and oils. In time, the insulin receptors on the surface of your cells start to decrease in number and also in efficiency and if the glucose can’t get into the cells because they are full – it stays circulating in the bloodstream. The Pancreas senses the high levels of blood glucose and secretes more Insulin and the receptors on the cells  become even more resistant! Constantly higher blood glucose causes inflammation and damage to cells. The main signs that you have a degree of Insulin Resistance is fat distributed around your middle and around your vital organs that is very hard to shift. This is dangerous Visceral fat that can also affect hormone levels.

    We now have 3 generations of people with some degree of Insulin Resistance which has reached 1:2 of the whole population. Type II Diabetes and Cancer are epidemic. Even children are now being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and yet a generation ago it was mainly a disease of middle-age.

    The good news is that it is reversible.

    Read More

  • Health/ Organic produce/ Sizzling Minerals/ Toxin free products

    Natural Skincare for over 40’s

    Natural Skincare

    Research of toxin free hair and skin care products has led me to a new regime of Natural Skin Care for the over 40’s that is based on various  oils and products to stimulate the collagen that starts to be lost around this age. A detour from my normal Posts but it is all about nourishment, inside and out.

    I am not going to list all the toxins that can be found in even expensive skin and hair care products other than to say that many are petrochemical in origin, some have been shown to be cancer causing and whatever you put on your skin can be absorbed into your body. Although I am talking about over 40’s skin care here I would urge everyone to look at the ingredients contained in babies and children’s products and reduce the exposure of your children and grandchildren to toxins as much as possible because they will be exposed to many more toxins than previous generations. Read More

  • Food intolerance/ Health/ Mineral Depletion/ Nutritional Medicine/ Sizzling Minerals/ Supplements/ Toxin free products

    Dietary Supplements – Effective?

    Effective Dietary Supplements

    Can Dietary Supplements be effective? Are they even necessary?

    Over the years I have must have spent thousands on Dietary Supplements in a quest to ‘feel better’; ‘have more energy’; ‘prevent disease’ or sometimes just to try out before recommending to my clients because whenever you read what certain nutrients can do for you it appears that you really need it – and of course, you do! BUT and it really is a big but, do you need a pill or supplement or might you already be getting enough in your food? My qualification is in Nutritional Medicine – using food and supplements to improve medical conditions. I read research papers all the time and follow developments in the field of nutrition, the microbiome and epigenetics ( the way food influences our genes) and it appears that even with a healthy, varied diet we are highly unlikely to achieve optimum nutrition. The World Health Organisation, UNICEF, The Soil Association and Government Research constantly confirms this. Most of us are not in a position to grow all our own organic fruit and vegetables and buy only organic meat, fish and eggs and with mineral depleted soil and increasing amounts of processed food in our diets we fall far short of what our bodies require to cope with our children’s healthy development or our modern lifestyles. Even if we can buy a huge variety of fruits and vegetables from around the World most will have been picked before they are ripe, sprayed, irradiated or travelled for weeks before getting to us – loosing their nutrients along the way. Read More

  • Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Health/ Healthy Food/ Mineral Depletion/ Sizzling Minerals/ Sugar/ Sugar Detox

    Need HELP with SUGAR?

    Need HELP with SUGAR?

    The health dangers of sugar have been in the news a lot lately with governments even considering taxing sugary drinks, as they have in Mexico, to try and improve the health of the population – especially children. So if you need help with sugar avoidance and dealing with a ‘sweet tooth’ here are a few pointers.

    Hidden Sugars

    Aside from not adding sugar to your tea and coffee and avoiding sugar laden desserts, cakes and cookies you should start checking labels so that you can find how much hidden sugar is in your diet. If you have children then checking sugar intake is vital to their health as well as protecting their teeth. A third of children leave primary school already obese!

    1 teaspoon of sugar = 4 g

    Daily recommended maximum intake is 50 g (1.7 oz) for Women and 70 g (2.5 oz) for Men but 28 g = 1 oz (7 teaspoonfuls) would be better. Many people average nearer 130 g a day which is equal to 32 teaspoonfuls!

    First of all sugar is disguised by so many different names, anything that ends in ‘ose’, fructose, sucrose, maltose, dextrose, then cane sugar, cane crystals, corn syrup, fruit concentrates, honey, Maple syrup and Agave.

    High Fructose Corn Syrup seems to add more fat around the middle and around vital organs (visceral fat) -the most dangerous kind.

    Soft drinks are the worst for hidden sugar, even ‘enhanced’ water can have 15 g per 500 ml. Pre-packaged food – even savoury foods like Pasta Sauce and coleslaw can be loaded with sugar; bread, biscuits, energy bars, low fat yogurt often has more sugar than regular yogurt.Need help with Sugar

    Processed Cane or Beet sugar doesn’t contain any nutrients and is often called ’empty calories’  but other sugar types are also devoid of nutrients and even heavily processed using chemicals. When I want to sweeten something I would usually choose a little honey, Pure Maple Syrup or molasses sugar because these do also contain some nutrient benefit and are not over processed.

    Artificial Sweeteners

    It is not a healthy option to swap your sugar for artificial sweeteners as they have many additional problems.

    • they may taste sweet but they have no useful energy
    • they have no appetite suppression effect, unlike sugar and so can cause overeating and weight gain.
    • Many sweeteners may be toxic to the body
    • if you really feel you need them -do your research. At present Stevia seems to be the least toxic but definitely avoid Aspartame which has been linked to mental problems, brain tumour and epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Fibromyalgia and diabetes plus possibly cancer. Avoid Sucralose which is sucrose that has been denatured using Chlorine.

    How to Cut Down on Sugar

    If you have become aware of just how much sugar you are eating and have started reading food and drink labels that is a huge step in the right direction. We can all be caught out – my son is hooked on mince pies at the moment and 1 mince pie has 22.5 g sugar which is nearly 6 tsps of sugar and only 1 tsp off his healthy daily limit. So my tips are:- Read More

  • Adrenal Fatigue/ Arthritis/ Autoimmune diseases/ Blood sugar management/ Cancer./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Detox Drinks - healthy drinking/ Energy/ Health/ Hyperthyroidism/ Hypothyroidism/ Mineral Depletion/ Nutritional Medicine/ Sizzling Minerals

    Optimum Health and Energy


    Do you exercise, eat a healthy diet and spend a lot on daily supplements but still feel there is something missing? Would you love to have Optimum health and energy? Wake refreshed? Have better digestion and more stable blood sugar? Plus Sports enthusiasts can improve performance, Prolong Endurance, increase stamina and have rapid recovery.

    Do you suffer from chronic health problems, stress, poor sleep, low blood sugar, Type II Diabetes, bloating, IBS or other digestive problems, allergies and intolerances, poor focus or memory, pains in muscles, legs or joints? Then that something that is missing is almost certainly Minerals. You need about 60 different minerals a day for the proper function of your

    • Immune System
    • Enzyme functions
    • Balancing of body pH
    • Cellular Health – mitochondrial health, oxygenation and energy

    Linus Pauling stated “you can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency” and yet the estimate is that we are only taking in 20-25 now even on a good diet with at least 5 a day fruit and vegetables. Nutritionists and Doctors seem to frequently ignore the importance of minerals and yet we have an epidemic of immune system problems and allergies in all ages, but especially children.

    A post on Magnesium Deficiency went viral and the media seems to concentrate on Calcium and the problems with calcium tablets but what about the 58+ other minerals? We need 7 Macro-minerals for bone, muscle, heart and brain function and fluid balance – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride and Sulphur All Trace minerals are incorporated into enzymes or hormones required in body processes. So here are just a few minerals and what they are necessary for. Read More

  • Anaemia/ Inflammation/ Mineral Depletion/ Nutritional Medicine/ Sizzling Minerals

    ANAEMIA – why is it still a huge problem?

    B Vitamins

    Anaemia is a still a serious problem and is present when:-

    • your levels of Hb -haemoglobin (the protein that transports iron and oxygen) are low
    • you have fewer healthy Red Blood Cells (RBC) that contain haemoglobin
    • you have  RBC that may be smaller and paler than usual

    If you have low iron and fewer RBC you will be getting less oxygen to your cells which can lead to cell damage, poor mental function, low energy and even cancer.

    If you also have low Ferritin then that shows that you are not storing sufficient iron in the body and this could be due to low levels of nutrients required to make healthy RBC or you may be losing too many from the body.

    If you have high Ferritin in the body then it may indicate an Anaemia of chronic disease or an inflammatory response where the body is in defense mode and storing more iron and this is why Anaemia should never be treated before knowing the cause. To take an iron supplement without a diagnosis from a Doctor can be dangerous.

    As a Nutritionist I am concerned as I would have thought that Anaemia should have declined with rising standards of living, more protein in our diets and better knowledge of nutrition generally but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I know personally of three people, ages from 7 to 40, on good diets, who have anaemia with low Ferritin levels that partially respond to iron supplementation but their Ferritin levels remain low. This would suggest that other factors are missing in their diet that convert the iron into the correct form for re-use and storage. I believe this could be due to missing micro-nutrients in both the food consumed and modern choices in diet that limit the intake of iron, copper and zinc and possibly Vitamin B12. Skip to the section on Treatment for iron deficiency Anaemia if you already know about anaemia in general and would like to know more about micro-nutrient deficiency.

    Facts and Figures

    Normal levels Hb are

    Men 13.5 to 17.5 gm/dL

    Women 12.0 to 15.5 gm/dL

    Children 11.0 to 13 gm/dL

    *30% of the World Population has iron deficiency Anaemia 

    * there are over 1 million deaths a year from Anaemia

    according to a recent study in The Lancet Anaemia is 3rd on the list of medical problems that cause suffering and more Years Lived with Disability(YLD) coming higher than Diabetes that is in 7th place.

    So Anaemia is a serious condition and should be viewed as a symptom rather than a disease in itself.

    Signs and Symptoms of possible Anaemia Read More

  • Adrenal Fatigue/ Cancer./ Energy/ Environmental/ Health/ Hyperthyroidism/ Hypothyroidism/ Mineral Depletion/ Nutrition and Cancer/ Sizzling Minerals

    Interesting Iodine

    iodine deficiency

    Iodine deficiency is a global health concern. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that over 2 billion people may be iodine deficient with about 50 million of them suffering from deficiency disorders which can range from low energy, cognitive decline, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction to cardiovascular disease, fibrocystic breast disease and a variety of cancers, especially breast and stomach cancer. Research has linked Iodine deficiency with ADHD and Autism with rates rising dramatically over the last two decades. According to research in the USA Iodine levels have dropped by more than half since the 1970’s. Under production of the hormone thyroxine causes weakened neural connections in the brain/nervous system. Iodine is therefore especially necessary for pregnant women and the development of their babies.

    From about the 1920’s onwards many people were suffering the effects of iodine deficiency, sometimes developing a visible swelling at the front of the neck called a Goiter in adults and preventable mental retardation in children due to low levels of iodine in the soil and diet. Governments recognised the problem and decided to add iodine to table salt as a way of increasing iodine levels in the diet. Most salts do not contain enough iodine to rectify the problem and processed foods don’t have to contain iodised salt therefore coupled with the reduction in salt intake over the last 20 years we now have millions suffering deficiency disorders.

    Iodine and the amino acid tyrosine make up thyroid hormones that control metabolism, body temperature, heart rate and glucose and fat levels in the blood. Selenium, Zinc and iron are also co-factors for enzymes that contribute to healthy tissue in the body.

    Too much thyroid hormone results in hyperthyroidism – a high metabolic rate, rapid heart beat and often palpitations, feeling warmer than normal and excessive sweating. In extreme cases it can lead to muscle weakness and weight loss. Too little thyroid hormone results in hypothyroidism – with the opposite symptoms, slow heart rate, feeling cold, constipation, weight gain, dry skin and hair, muscle aches and weakness, depression and fatigue. Energy levels are affected via the thyroid adrenal axis  and so adrenal support is often needed as well as thyroid support.

    It is often confusing that Iodine deficiency can lead to both low thyroid function and hyperthyroidism but fortunately all iodine deficiency disorders and related health issues can be prevented and treated with adequate intake of Iodine. Anyone who has been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease or Graves disease should work with their doctor to assess and correct their Iodine levels.

    These actions, generally promoted as being healthy, can also reduce your available Iodine –

    1. decreasing your salt intake
    2. using salt that has little or no Iodine
    3. being on a vegetarian or vegan diet puts you in an at risk group because plants contain lower iodine than animal and dairy products. It is hard to get even the minimum daily 150 mcg without eating seafood, eggs or dairy but eating small amounts of seaweed would easily correct this imbalance.
    4. sweating profusely while exercising means iodine can be lost in substantial amounts and that also applies to those that work in hot, humid environments.

    How much Iodine do we need? Read More

  • Energy/ Five Tibetan Rites/ Health/ Sizzling Minerals

    Finding the exercise that works for you

    5 Tibetan Rites

    I have to admit to not exercising much this year. Too long on the computer and iPad has taken its toll on my neck, shoulders and back so that I needed to see a Chiropractic and it made me realise that something had to change. Finding the exercise that works for you is so important. In the past I have hit the gym (not my favourite), gone swimming twice a week, done Tai chi and Qi-gong as well as a lovely few months doing Ashtanga Yoga in Spain but lately – zilch! Nada!

    My criteria for exercise now is

    that it doesn’t take long

    that I can progress at my own speed

    that it will build strength and flexibility

    that it is enjoyable!

    Almost by accident I found a YouTube video showing The Tibetan 5 Rites and I knew that I had found what I needed. It is an ancient form of Yoga that rebalances the Chakras in just 5 fairly simple but highly effective moves. You start at whatever level you feel is right for you, maybe just 3 repetitions of each exercise and build up, in multiples of 3, to a maximum of 21 repetitions.


    YouTube video of the exercises

    If you have been ill or you haven’t exercised for a long time then please watch this video of Ellen Wood who was 73 at the time.

           Ellen’s Video


    1. SPINNING – Stand with arms outstretched to sides and palms facing down. Spin or turn around clockwise (as that is the direction that your Chakras should spin) the required amount of times.
    2. LEG RAISES – lay on the floor or mat and with ankles flexed, raise legs straight up until at right angles to the floor and at the same time raise your head, pause and the return to starting position. Repeat x -.
    3. KNEELING BEND – kneel with body straight and hands by sides. Bend forward then placing hands on lower back or bottom bend backwards. Repeat x -.
    4. BACK LIFT – Sit upright with legs outstretched and hands placed flat on the floor with fingers pointing behind you. Draw knees up, feet flat on the floor and hip distance apart and push up to make a Table shape, dropping head slightly back. Repeat x-.
    5. DOWNWARD DOG TO COBRA – make a good V shape with your body, hands about shoulder distance apart and fingers spread and feet about hip distance apart. Then bring head forward through arms and lower body into Cobra position without hips touching the floor, extend head and shoulders backward. Repeat by reversing back up into Downward Dog position and start again. Repeat x -. This is a strong move and if your knees need to touch the floor until your core strength has improved then that is fine. Only do what you are capable of and build on that.

    It is best to do these exercises first thing in the morning as they are very energising. I like to put a ‘pose of a child’ and prayer posture in between each set of moves, breathing deeply and eyes closed as it paces the exercise and stretches out the back and releases the stomach muscles and also adds a more meditative feel to the practice but do whatever feels right for you.

    Follow with a healthy, light breakfast. I like a fruity, mineral Smoothie like this one……

    Fruit Smoothie


    Linda’s Summer Fruit Mineral Smoothie

    A few Strawberries, Raspberries and Cherries

    A big squeeze of Lime juice

    A half teaspoon of Almond Butter

    Coconut Milk or Almond Milk to cover fruit in blender

    A free sample sachet of Sizzling Minerals Cherry Flavour


    Sizzling Minerals have been life changing for us, find out more from the link below. They are available in Europe and USA


  • Arthritis/ Autoimmune diseases/ Energy/ Exclusion diet/ Health/ Inflammation/ Mineral Depletion/ Sizzling Minerals

    Confessions of a Nutritionist…..

    Confessions of a Nutritionist …..

     I have been writing this blog pretty much anonymously for several years

    but today I am going to share A LOT!

    After years of good nutritional food and a small fortune spent on supplements I found myself looking and feeling well below par. Several years of high stress and poor sleep had taken a toll and the signs and symptoms were many.

    • Poor sleep with erratic patterns – difficulty falling asleep, waking frequently or early
    • Low energy
    • Poor concentration and hyperactive mind/anxieties
    • Poor digestion and IBS
    • Joint pains and stiffness pretty much everywhere
    • Sinus and throat congestion
    • Ear infections, wax and pain with some loss of hearing and sensitivity to loud noises
    • Dry, irritable eyes
    • Fungal and viral foot infections
    • slow, irregular heartbeat 49-52 average
    • Low Blood Pressure 100/56
    • Lack of appetite
    • Poor blood sugar control, often feeling dizzy or shaky prior to eating.

    A lot of these symptoms could be considered sub-clinical disease but at this stage they just spoil your quality of life and make you look tired and worn out as in the picture above. My hair was always dry and thinning a lot, skin and eyes were lack lustre. My dry skin was becoming thin and crêpey and my nails also dry with deep vertical lines and they would laminate and break easily. I knew I had to get myself to a better level of health and get my mojo back!

    So I began an overhaul of my diet to get my digestive system working better. After completing The Autoimmune Summit I decided to do an elimination diet and then follow the Alejandro Junger MD ‘Clean Gut’ and ‘Clean Eating’ and after a month felt much better. I had lost 7lbs, had a flatter belly than I had had for years, had less pain in my joints and could even touch my toes. Gluten and Dairy free really suited me. The diet evolved to include rice, mainly brown or Basmati, some potatoes and some gluten free flour products like wraps, pittas and gluten free oats occasionally. I also included plenty of good healthy oils/fats like avocados, olives and olive oil and coconut oil and plenty of Celtic sea salt.

    So after several months of adjustments there was quite a lot of improvement – going by the list above about 45% reduction in symptoms but I still wasn’t sleeping any better despite frequent meditation sessions, my brain was still hyperactive, my skin, hair and nails were still suffering and a day looking after young grandchildren would wipe me out.

    Then three months ago I discovered a new Mineral supplement that sounded great. This product, Sizzling Minerals, was 100% natural and each wafer contains 600mgs of 75 pure plant minerals that are fully bio-available. Knowing about Mitochondria, energy and ageing – these seemed to be just what I needed. I like to be scientific about things and I always question everything so I took photos of myself and my nails before starting on the minerals. I already knew that I would need to take them for at least 90 days to see the effects but after just 4 days I found I had much more energy and felt happier. After just 5 weeks of taking them I was seeing a difference in the mirror so took the second picture. Then a couple of weeks later this one below to update my social media pictures.

    FullSizeRender (2)_e


    Not too bad for 64.

    I decided to join the Company, Simply Naturals as a Distributor. Their mission is to get 1 million people on Sizzling Minerals and feeling better and that is something I am enjoying being a part of. If you are a professional and would like to do the same click here for more info. So after 90 days I am sharing my health transition with you.

    • My sleep is dramatically better, I frequently fall asleep straight away, sleep for 6-7 hours and then wake gradually feeling refreshed and relaxed.
    • My concentration is 100 better, much more focused and no brain chatter!
    • Energy levels are really good – now I tire the grandchildren out. I have completed 3 on-line Nutrition courses and I am learning a lot of internet and Social Media Skills
    • My digestion is good and IBS gone, I feel hungry more often and enjoy my food more
    • All foot infections finally disappeared.
    • No ear or sinus problems
    • No more dry eyes
    • Blood pressure and pulse improved B/P 125/60
    • Skin and hair improved
    • Nails getting smoother, shiny and strong

    IMG_0687 (1)

    nails in March 2015

    nails 90 days laterIMG_0795

    So I feel completely confident in saying that EVERYONE needs minerals because they are so obviously missing in our food these days. Sizzling Minerals are a ground-breaking product that supplies what your body is craving ( I no longer crave chocolate by the way – so I know my body has enough Magnesium now!) and for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. They come in wafers in a choice of four flavours – Natural, Cherry, Orange and Lemon/Lime for a refreshing fizzy drink, powder or capsules if you prefer.

    They get to every cell, they detoxify, they help oxygenate the tissues, they are involved in enzyme production and they act as co-factors to vitamins to make any other supplements you take work more efficiently. They are essential for good health.

    Try them for 90 days yourself and let me know how you get on.

    To buy some  go to the shop at  www.healthcoach2000.info

    Available in Europe, UK and USA