Arthritis/ Autoimmune diseases/ Energy/ Exclusion diet/ Health/ Inflammation/ Mineral Depletion/ Sizzling Minerals

Confessions of a Nutritionist…..


Confessions of a Nutritionist …..

 I have been writing this blog pretty much anonymously for several years

but today I am going to share A LOT!

After years of good nutritional food and a small fortune spent on supplements I found myself looking and feeling well below par. Several years of high stress and poor sleep had taken a toll and the signs and symptoms were many.

  • Poor sleep with erratic patterns – difficulty falling asleep, waking frequently or early
  • Low energy
  • Poor concentration and hyperactive mind/anxieties
  • Poor digestion and IBS
  • Joint pains and stiffness pretty much everywhere
  • Sinus and throat congestion
  • Ear infections, wax and pain with some loss of hearing and sensitivity to loud noises
  • Dry, irritable eyes
  • Fungal and viral foot infections
  • slow, irregular heartbeat 49-52 average
  • Low Blood Pressure 100/56
  • Lack of appetite
  • Poor blood sugar control, often feeling dizzy or shaky prior to eating.

A lot of these symptoms could be considered sub-clinical disease but at this stage they just spoil your quality of life and make you look tired and worn out as in the picture above. My hair was always dry and thinning a lot, skin and eyes were lack lustre. My dry skin was becoming thin and crêpey and my nails also dry with deep vertical lines and they would laminate and break easily. I knew I had to get myself to a better level of health and get my mojo back!

So I began an overhaul of my diet to get my digestive system working better. After completing The Autoimmune Summit I decided to do an elimination diet and then follow the Alejandro Junger MD ‘Clean Gut’ and ‘Clean Eating’ and after a month felt much better. I had lost 7lbs, had a flatter belly than I had had for years, had less pain in my joints and could even touch my toes. Gluten and Dairy free really suited me. The diet evolved to include rice, mainly brown or Basmati, some potatoes and some gluten free flour products like wraps, pittas and gluten free oats occasionally. I also included plenty of good healthy oils/fats like avocados, olives and olive oil and coconut oil and plenty of Celtic sea salt.

So after several months of adjustments there was quite a lot of improvement – going by the list above about 45% reduction in symptoms but I still wasn’t sleeping any better despite frequent meditation sessions, my brain was still hyperactive, my skin, hair and nails were still suffering and a day looking after young grandchildren would wipe me out.

Then three months ago I discovered a new Mineral supplement that sounded great. This product, Sizzling Minerals, was 100% natural and each wafer contains 600mgs of 75 pure plant minerals that are fully bio-available. Knowing about Mitochondria, energy and ageing – these seemed to be just what I needed. I like to be scientific about things and I always question everything so I took photos of myself and my nails before starting on the minerals. I already knew that I would need to take them for at least 90 days to see the effects but after just 4 days I found I had much more energy and felt happier. After just 5 weeks of taking them I was seeing a difference in the mirror so took the second picture. Then a couple of weeks later this one below to update my social media pictures.

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Not too bad for 64.

I decided to join the Company, Simply Naturals as a Distributor. Their mission is to get 1 million people on Sizzling Minerals and feeling better and that is something I am enjoying being a part of. If you are a professional and would like to do the same click here for more info. So after 90 days I am sharing my health transition with you.

  • My sleep is dramatically better, I frequently fall asleep straight away, sleep for 6-7 hours and then wake gradually feeling refreshed and relaxed.
  • My concentration is 100 better, much more focused and no brain chatter!
  • Energy levels are really good – now I tire the grandchildren out. I have completed 3 on-line Nutrition courses and I am learning a lot of internet and Social Media Skills
  • My digestion is good and IBS gone, I feel hungry more often and enjoy my food more
  • All foot infections finally disappeared.
  • No ear or sinus problems
  • No more dry eyes
  • Blood pressure and pulse improved B/P 125/60
  • Skin and hair improved
  • Nails getting smoother, shiny and strong

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nails in March 2015

nails 90 days laterIMG_0795

So I feel completely confident in saying that EVERYONE needs minerals because they are so obviously missing in our food these days. Sizzling Minerals are a ground-breaking product that supplies what your body is craving ( I no longer crave chocolate by the way – so I know my body has enough Magnesium now!) and for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. They come in wafers in a choice of four flavours – Natural, Cherry, Orange and Lemon/Lime for a refreshing fizzy drink, powder or capsules if you prefer.

They get to every cell, they detoxify, they help oxygenate the tissues, they are involved in enzyme production and they act as co-factors to vitamins to make any other supplements you take work more efficiently. They are essential for good health.

Try them for 90 days yourself and let me know how you get on.

To buy some  go to the shop at

Available in Europe, UK and USA


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