• Cancer Prevention/ Cancer./ GcMAF

    Where are we now with GcMAF?


    GcMAF has been around now for several years and has had a very bumpy ride. I first wrote about it in 2014 in the post GcMaf – A Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment.The Company First Immune has had to close it’s clinic, and also their centre in Guernsey had all it’s bank accounts closed and there is a ban on importing GcMAF, a production plant in the UK was closed down apparently due to unsafe practice with human blood but their website claims that they supply 8,000 patients through 350 Doctors in 30 Nations. So where are we now with GcMAF? 

    GcMAF is a natural human protein that our bodies make that activates macrophages (large white blood cells that engulf and digest foreign substances, viruses, bacteria and cancer cells).  Cancer and most viruses block the action of GcMAF with an enzyme called Nagalase so the the idea behind the treatment is to take GcMAF and also take Vitamins D3/K2 and additional nutrients to boost the immune system. High Nagalase has also been found in some children with Autism and the clinic also treats this, plus HIV and some other conditions. As well as GcMAF they have a product that is GcMAF combined with oleic acid (from olive oil) that is given by drops under the tongue and called GOleic . It is believed that the Gc proteins bind to fatty acids and therefore the diet can be supplemented with olive oil, coconut oil or MCT oil. Another product recommended in the treatment is Bravo Probiotic Yogurt that is made at home from a culture that is bovine milk and colostrum. This would improve gut flora and improve the immune system. It is possible to buy all these products on the internet from First Immune website.

    A Prof. Ruggiero who was a researcher for Immuno Biotech has now opened a lab in Arizona and is producing a new Immunotherapy treatment called Rerum which, instead of using blood, uses Chondroitin Sulphate with Oleic Acid and Vitamin D2 and D3 which he claims stops the growth of new blood vessels to the cancer. The Rerum protocol includes

    • Bravo Probiotic
    • A Ketogenic diet (one that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates) – the diet stops the growth of cancer.
    • Rerum kills the remaining cancer.

    This is a very different scientific claim to GcMAF -alerting the immune system and shrinking tumours the first week of treatment. Chondroitin thins the blood and so should not be taken with blood thinning medications. Immuno Biotech CEO David Noakes claims that Rerum has been tested in Labs alongside GOleic and was found not to activate Macrophages or kill cancer cells.

    So, back to the question “Where are we now with GcMAF?

    I am not a Doctor or Scientist but a researcher and Nutritionist and I know that many people who have cancer themselves, or are related to someone who has been diagnosed, will be constantly researching and looking for answers. I was first researching GcMAF when my husband had cancer back in 2010 and before they had a clinic but it was expensive and although there are many research papers and many individual success stories the Company and the researchers have been consistently searched out and persecuted all over the World with conspiracy theorists blaming ‘Big Pharma’. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions but the Protocols do involve naturals products that cannot, as such be patented. My other problems with it involve the exclusivity of the clinics where only 8 patients were taken at a time and for the treatment it is 4.000 euros a week plus the cost of a hotel which is estimated at 1.000 euros with some people requiring a 3 week stay.

    There is plenty of HOPE

    A couple of years ago I was depressed by these findings but now I am confident that we are very close to finding out how we can prevent and reverse disease with nutritional therapy and supplements. In just a short time we have come to understand so much about the Microbiome and our immune systems. Here is what you can do.

    • We can awaken and strengthen our immune systems by: –
    • removing toxins from our environment, personal care products etc.
    • eating highly nutritious food(organic whenever possible), quality protein, plenty of fresh vegetables and some berries
    • avoiding all forms of sugar,
    • Eating LCHHF diet (Low Carb High Healthy Fats ) coconut oil, MCT, Olive oil, Avocado, nuts etc. essentially a Paleo-ketogenic diet (or as near to that as you can get without unwanted weightloss.)
    • supplementing plant minerals or using Celtic sea salt daily
    • Vitamins especially D3 ,K2 Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex
    • Improve your immune system by Healing your Gut and taking L Glutamine, gelatin, bone broth and good Probiotics and possibly Colostrum.
    • Add more spices to your diet – Turmeric/Curcumin plus black pepper is anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, Cinnamon and Golden Milk is a lovely way to do it.
    • Eat different types of mushrooms – they contain Vitamin D and have immune boosting properties
    • Get out in the air and sunshine when possible and increase your activity levels to increase oxygen supply to the cells. Do relaxing but energising exercise like yoga, chi gong, walking, swimming and mindfully practice deep breathing imaging the oxygen getting to every part of you.

    To regular readers of my blog you will recognise that this is the same protocol that I use for treating all Autoimmune Diseases from Rheumatoid Arthritis to Diabetes as well as Cancer. All these diet and lifestyle treatments that work to improve our immune systems and eliminate toxins and inflammation – the main causes of all Chronic disease and are in more detail in my eBook ‘TURN YOUR HEALTH AROUND‘ available for £12 or in your own currency by clicking at the bottom of that post.

  • Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Energy/ Health/ Inflammation/ Probiotics/ Sizzling Minerals/ Sleep/ Sugar Detox

    SUGAR and overcoming addiction.

    Sugar - overcoming addiction

    You might be surprised that I start by discussion Fat more than Sugar but understanding the connection between the two is vital to understanding SUGAR and overcoming addiction.

    From years we have been told that saturated fat was bad for us and that it caused weight gain, high blood sugar, heart disease and strokes and from that false belief, more and more processed low-fat foods flooded the market. Thousands of fad diets were promoted all centered on low fat and the prevention of weight gain and disease and yet the population has just gone on getting fatter and more sick.

    We now know that advice was totally wrong and that refined vegetable oils and transfats are the lethal ones that age us faster, damage cell walls and cause chronic inflammation and disease. Over these same decades we have eaten more and more carbohydrates to try to satisfy our hunger.  Many of the processed foods and drinks have hidden sugars in an attempt to make them more palatable. Healthy fats satisfy our appetite and have a stabilising influence on blood sugar.

    Insulin Resistance

    Our bodies were not designed to run on sugar and lots of processed carbohydrates like packaged cereals, pasta etc. and therefore we have a hard time converting all those foods to usable fuel. Most modern meals contain much more of this fuel than we can use in the short-term and so the body produces lots of Insulin to process it and allow what is needed to go to work in the muscles, brain and liver. When these cells are full the rest of the glucose is converted to FAT for storage.

    We now consume nearly four times as many carbohydrates(including sugars of all types), a lot less fiber and often poor quality fats and oils. In time, the insulin receptors on the surface of your cells start to decrease in number and also in efficiency and if the glucose can’t get into the cells because they are full – it stays circulating in the bloodstream. The Pancreas senses the high levels of blood glucose and secretes more Insulin and the receptors on the cells  become even more resistant! Constantly higher blood glucose causes inflammation and damage to cells. The main signs that you have a degree of Insulin Resistance is fat distributed around your middle and around your vital organs that is very hard to shift. This is dangerous Visceral fat that can also affect hormone levels.

    We now have 3 generations of people with some degree of Insulin Resistance which has reached 1:2 of the whole population. Type II Diabetes and Cancer are epidemic. Even children are now being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and yet a generation ago it was mainly a disease of middle-age.

    The good news is that it is reversible.

    Read More

  • Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Health/ Healthy Food

    Confused about Healthy Eating?

    Confused by Nutrition?

    Confused about Healthy Eating? – you’re not the only one! The Public, the media and some Professionals  seem to be struggling to keep up with the massive influx of new scientific and nutritional information that has come to light over the last 5 years. Good nutritional advice is now very much more complex as it involves knowing not only which foods to eat and in what quantities but how to avoid toxins from herbicides, pesticides, GMO foods, chemicals and other health damaging ingredients in foods plus knowledge of the nutrients we may be deficient in due to soil depletion and farming methods. We are living at a time of the highest levels of chronic ill health and we need to understand about healthy eating as part of living a longer life, maintaining a good quality of life and avoiding diseases that are preventable.

    The media are not helping and some newspaper/magazine articles and TV programs are just adding to the confusion by presenting out of date or misleading information and not being able to differentiate between marketing and science. Take “The Truth about….Healthy Eating” on BBC 1 last week – quoted as being an investigation into if we can eat and drink our way to good health. Read More

  • Cancer Prevention

    Prevention of Cancer – choices we make…

    Cancer prevention for life

    Who doesn’t fear Cancer? We are constantly reminded that it affects more than 1:3 people and that is a terrifying statistic when applied to our friends and family and therefore we tend to push it to the back of our minds. We would like to be certain that we could prevent it and that isn’t possible as it affects everyone from the newborn to the super fit but research shows us that there are lifestyle choices that can help with the prevention of Cancer and being informed and taking action lessens the fear.

    We all produce cancer cells everyday of our lives and our Immune System deals with them but various factors can overwhelm our immune system and make it much more difficult to cope. We can change aspects of our lifestyle and diet to limit our exposure to toxins, support our immune system and include natural foods, herbs and spices that we know have anti-cancer properties so here are some important choices we can make… Read More

  • Anaemia/ Autoimmune diseases/ Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Energy/ Immune System/ Stress Reduction/ Supplements

    B Vitamins and Autoimmune Disease

    B Vitamins

    There are eight numbered B Vitamins that are all important for cellular metabolism but with more recent findings we know the importance of some B Vitamins and Autoimmune Disease.

    People who suffer from Autoimmune Diseases and/or have genetic mutations that affect the way Vitamin B is used in the body may benefit from supplementing the natural forms of B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folate) and B12 (Cobalamin). These three vitamins are critical for for supporting the methyl cycle and DNA and RNA synthesis. B Vitamins are all water soluble and easily lost or destroyed by water, heat processing, roasting and canning. Elevated homocysteine is a proven factor for cardio vascular disease and taking B6, B9 and B12 can lower Homocysteine levels.

    Vitamin B6 as the co-enzyme form Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, P5’P  is used in the metabolism of proteins and fats and is necessary for creating glucose from these foods and is also essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and red blood cells. It is necessary for the production of Hydrochloric acid and the absorption of Magnesium and B12. Helps the body metabolise and transport selenium and zinc, is a natural diuretic and alleviates nausea. It is involved in converting 5-HTP into Serotonin and also the calming neurotransmitter GABA.

    Signs of Deficiency are

    • Anaemia not corrected by iron
    • poor sleep
    • kidney stones
    • morning sickness
    • PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome
    • Skin rashes and dry skin
    • Anxiety and nervousness
    • Insulin Resistance
    • muscle spasms and cramps
    • Carpal Tunnel syndrome
    •  Asperger’s and Autism
    • Heart Disease

    Causes of deficiency are Read More

  • Aspartate/ Brain - Gut Connection/ Butyrate/ Cancer Prevention/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Exclusion diet/ Fibromyalgia/ Glutamate/ Glutamine/ Health/ Leaky Gut/ Nutrition and Cancer/ Wheat and Dairy Intolerance

    Weight, Gut and Sleep Problems?

    Weight, Gut and sleep problems

    Do you have a combination of weight, gut and sleep problems? If you have, you might not know how they are connected and how a new approach to eating could help.

    Your gut and brain are intimately connected as I have discussed  in ‘The Brain -Gut Connection‘. Many neurotransmitters are manufactured in the gut with Probiotic bacteria playing a crucial role. If the balance of bacteria in your gut is not right then levels of neurotransmitters like Tryptophan, Serotonin, and GABA that are produced can cause everything from brain fog and insomnia to ADHD and Epilepsy.

    These good gut bacteria thrive on fibre in the diet, especially non-soluble fibre which is often lacking in today’s highly processed diets. Having the right balance of high fibre, good bacteria and balanced blood sugar go hand in hand and therefore can be very important factors in controlling weight. Eating a diet with plenty of fibre and good fats also slows the digestive system and making you feel full for longer, happier and mentally sharper.

    Another very important substance in the gut that is produced by good probiotic bacteria and fibre is called Butyrate. Read More

  • Blood sugar management/ Cancer Prevention/ Health/ Healthy Food/ Mineral Depletion/ Sizzling Minerals/ Sugar/ Sugar Detox

    Need HELP with SUGAR?

    Need HELP with SUGAR?

    The health dangers of sugar have been in the news a lot lately with governments even considering taxing sugary drinks, as they have in Mexico, to try and improve the health of the population – especially children. So if you need help with sugar avoidance and dealing with a ‘sweet tooth’ here are a few pointers.

    Hidden Sugars

    Aside from not adding sugar to your tea and coffee and avoiding sugar laden desserts, cakes and cookies you should start checking labels so that you can find how much hidden sugar is in your diet. If you have children then checking sugar intake is vital to their health as well as protecting their teeth. A third of children leave primary school already obese!

    1 teaspoon of sugar = 4 g

    Daily recommended maximum intake is 50 g (1.7 oz) for Women and 70 g (2.5 oz) for Men but 28 g = 1 oz (7 teaspoonfuls) would be better. Many people average nearer 130 g a day which is equal to 32 teaspoonfuls!

    First of all sugar is disguised by so many different names, anything that ends in ‘ose’, fructose, sucrose, maltose, dextrose, then cane sugar, cane crystals, corn syrup, fruit concentrates, honey, Maple syrup and Agave.

    High Fructose Corn Syrup seems to add more fat around the middle and around vital organs (visceral fat) -the most dangerous kind.

    Soft drinks are the worst for hidden sugar, even ‘enhanced’ water can have 15 g per 500 ml. Pre-packaged food – even savoury foods like Pasta Sauce and coleslaw can be loaded with sugar; bread, biscuits, energy bars, low fat yogurt often has more sugar than regular yogurt.Need help with Sugar

    Processed Cane or Beet sugar doesn’t contain any nutrients and is often called ’empty calories’  but other sugar types are also devoid of nutrients and even heavily processed using chemicals. When I want to sweeten something I would usually choose a little honey, Pure Maple Syrup or molasses sugar because these do also contain some nutrient benefit and are not over processed.

    Artificial Sweeteners

    It is not a healthy option to swap your sugar for artificial sweeteners as they have many additional problems.

    • they may taste sweet but they have no useful energy
    • they have no appetite suppression effect, unlike sugar and so can cause overeating and weight gain.
    • Many sweeteners may be toxic to the body
    • if you really feel you need them -do your research. At present Stevia seems to be the least toxic but definitely avoid Aspartame which has been linked to mental problems, brain tumour and epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Fibromyalgia and diabetes plus possibly cancer. Avoid Sucralose which is sucrose that has been denatured using Chlorine.

    How to Cut Down on Sugar

    If you have become aware of just how much sugar you are eating and have started reading food and drink labels that is a huge step in the right direction. We can all be caught out – my son is hooked on mince pies at the moment and 1 mince pie has 22.5 g sugar which is nearly 6 tsps of sugar and only 1 tsp off his healthy daily limit. So my tips are:- Read More

  • Cancer Prevention/ Cancer./ Health/ Nutrition and Cancer

    Cancer Prevention Month

    You might be wondering when Cancer Prevention Month is?

    So was I – apparently it is February.

    EVERY MONTH should be Cancer Prevention Month.

    At the moment each month has several Cancer Awareness campaigns – for instance November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness, Lung Cancer Awareness, Stomach Cancer Awareness and Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness. The purpose of most of these Awareness groups is to inform patients about early signs and symptoms and/or raise money for Cancer Research – nearly all of them are sponsored by drug companies. Do we, as the general public take much interest or even look at their information until we are personally affected by a specific Cancer – I think not.

    We are bombarded by some particularly scary and depressing advertisements on TV, awful media stories and very frightening statistics on a daily basis all of which seem to be based on fear so I felt that if my blog post had the title Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month most people would not read it and yet apparently the Awareness campaign suggests “it is the perfect time to talk about this deadly disease”!

    This is not the way to go if you want to educate and change the lifestyle and habits of a population.

    Nor is it enough just to tell us to eat 7 a day.

    There are as many cancers as their are parts of the body and yet the guidelines for prevention are similar for each.

    “At least one-third of all cancers are preventable. Prevention offers the most cost-effective long-term strategy for the control of Cancer” – The World Health Organisation

    • Do not use Tobacco – we know that smoking causes many kinds of cancer and not just in the person smoking
    • Obesity – being overweight is linked to many types of cancers
    • Inactivity – leads to poor Lymph flow around the body and inefficient detoxification so exercise daily.
    • Diet – it is vital to have a variety of fresh foods, vegetables and fruits on a daily basis and to limit the intake of processed foods, sugars, toxins and chemicals. We know that fresh foods contain many cancer fighting agents including Ellagic Acid (Berries), Quercetin (apples, onions, red grapes, citrus fruits, Broccoli, tomatoes, cherries) and Curcumin (Turmeric) to name just a few.
    • Drinks – avoid sodas, sweetened drinks and artificial sweeteners. Drink alcohol in moderation, although red wine has been shown to have some cancer protective qualities alcohol use is a risk factor for many cancer types.
    • Environmental pollution – our air, water and soil and even the ambient air in your home can be toxic. Become aware of the toxins you are being exposed to at home or at work and minimise your exposure. Change your personal care products to non-toxic ones, open windows whenever possible, don’t use harsh chemicals or air fresheners to ‘clean’ your home.
    • Radiation – Ionizing radiation and Ultraviolet radiation are known to be cancer causing and so limit exposure especially in children. Educate yourself on the risks/benefits of Mammograms and other screening procedures. Educate yourself on the risk/benefits of PET Scans (where radioactive sugar is injected into you blood).
    • Heavy Metals – in dental work, antiperspirants, shampoos, vaccinations, drugs (especially chemotherapy), joint replacements, exhaust fumes etc. Try to avoid as much as possible and then help your body detox.
    • Detoxification – today we are exposed to very high levels of toxins and we need to help our bodies to eliminate them. Adequate sleep, exercise, sweating, drinking clean water, having good mineral intake and eating high water content fruit and vegetables (organic or home grown if possible) and herbal teas. If the body can’t eliminate the toxins coming in then we get cellular damage and this is the start of the disease process. Good cell renewal is a necessity to stay healthy and cancer free. There are supplements that can aid the detoxification process, Milk Thistle, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), Chlorella and Quercetin plus natural plant derived Vitamins and Minerals. Support your digestive system with Probiotics and heal it if you have digestive problems, inflammatory bowel problems or Leaky Gut as it is your major organ of absorption and detoxification and also the centre of your immune protection. If you have had chemotherapy and/or radiation then it is very important to support your detoxification processes.
    • Stress – affects the way our bodies function, exhausts us of vital nutrients, causes poor sleep and adds to inflammation in the body which is a precursor to disease. Learn how to manage your stress.

    So don’t be governed by fear.

    Don’t think that all you can do is donate and hope that they find ‘a cure’.

    Know that you can do plenty to lessen your chance of falling ill and to cope if you do.

    Be Pro-active. Get healthy.

    Think Positively and believe that the lifestyle you choose will reward you in many ways.

    For more information go to Contents List for

    Safe personal care and household products – Big Green Smile

    Plant Derived Sizzling Minerals – Mineral Depletion and Sizzling Minerals

    Nutrition and Cancer